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Messages - Grandpretre

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32
To be honest the other problem with this album was it was the beginning of albums getting overhyped and of course they did the koyimbi ko dance to death at concerts that it was getting boring

if the album was released 3 or 6 months earlier, then the album would get the respect it deserved at that time. Because people waited to long for that album, which made it getting not well received at that time, despite the lies of the Congolese press. The album got luckily the respect which it deserved after 5 years. The beginning of albums getting over-hyped was with Temoinage.
*Revives thread *
A LA QUEUE LEU-LEU wasn't received well at the time in Kin? What were the press saying at the time? I would've thought with all the Koyimbi Ko dances in the makbokes it was smash. It was definitely well received in my community here in the States.   
 ALQLL along with Effrakata was definitely on repeat all of 2002 @ every Congolese function I went to lol. Those were two integral albums for me growing up
Also, hey everyone this is my first post here! :) After lurking here for like a month, I finally decided to make an account. I lowkey wanted to make introductory thread introducing myself, but I didn't think no one would care lol


^ i guess you guys are loosing track of what we already uploaded. I put up the Academia albums a while back. Suzuki’s album was just uploaded

I think Viagra album isn't the full version, just few songs, maybe i'm wrong

« on: February 18, 2018, 14:42 »
Before Pathy bASS, I thought it was Augusto NSINGI. Am I wrong ?

I still don't understand Koffi prefered Binda Bass above him after V12 and later also Pathy. Was there problem between both guys ? His work on Pas de Faux was epic.

Iy's very weird since he's basically the first member of "Quartier Latin Entreprise".

It was surely because binda bass was "prettier" & should have a grudge against  blanchard when he went to zaiko.

Congolese Music / Re: Scans of albums booklet
« on: February 17, 2018, 14:00 »
I would like to know if attentat radio version has the same "24 pages booklets" of the integral version.

I was looking for magie cd last week in paris & i didnt found it, but i remember that the booklet was ugly as hell loool, imma let u know if i'll find this one.

i spend my whole last 2 weeks looking for "kibuisa mpipa, loi, attentat & force de frappe"... Im givin up. Even diego music dont have the originals.

no! the radio version hasn't got the same "24 pages booklets"
the two booklets don't have the same photos and the radio version have only 8 pages

what a mistake from sono! koffi should be pissed. If ever someone got attantat's booklet (and loi), do not hesitate to share it

to see nono diamant as a guest made me smile. + gina wa gina & yondo sister.

one of koffi's and ql best concert. the team, the songs, the sound, the dancers, top notch

pomme verte, sylivie, riziki & aubergine are monde arabe"s highlights. why the f bouro left them before the released & why  deo brando's voice missing on this one?

Aubergine, Respect, Ngouli & Eputsha are very solid as well.

It was weird, Deo didn’t really participate like Jordan Kusa- he was in the Aubergine clip and one or two others. Of course he was gone permanently soon after

deo brando's case remind me of willy bula's case in the v12 era, he's in the videos but not in songs, but i thing his vocals were removed cause we can hear his voice in aubergine (clip version)

pomme verte, sylivie, riziki & aubergine are monde arabe"s highlights. why the f bouro left them before the released & why  deo brando's voice missing on this one?

Apologies in advance if the cd is actually on digital platforms. I will keep adding as I find more in my library.

ndeko, could you upload tremblement de terre, jb live at zenith, koffi live at bordeaux and full viagra please?

ooh thats a "fact" right here, thanks bro!

could somebody upload full viagra & defao's tremblement de terre please?

Congolese Music / Re: Scans of albums booklet
« on: February 08, 2018, 22:37 »
that v12 album is very special, we shoud make a special thread for this album. From andrada to Zokere you can feel the fact that he realy want to make the perfect one, to me is like a african version of thriller. I mean the album have a singular color, an atmosphere and type of sound.
Loi to me it was like a effrakata 0.5.

Congolese Music / Re: Scans of albums booklet
« on: February 07, 2018, 15:05 »
merci mingui bro.
unfortunately i gave my effrakata cd to an uncle, but i was dissapointed that the booklet is all "black n white" & to not see champion djikapela in the credits.

happy bday of the mother of my fav artist

i swear detresse of les marquis (composed by mimich bass) its one of the most underappreciated music in the history of congolese music.
That melody, that ferre, that jdt, one of my fav one in any genre of music. That bord deserved a grammy

Yea man, I made a thread about it some time ago. Their harmony was as close as it got to Choc Stars (Debaba, Carlyto, Defao, Boziana, Malage), which for me is the group that had the most harmonious chorus ever (for the genre).

Yeah i remember, i saw the thread & I agree with you for choc stars. Riana one of the greatest one ever made.

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