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Messages - Mopao195

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i think that koffi was giving his salute to OJ for beating that case what do yall think tho #OJDIDNTDOIT

How many did you listen to Sancyion fam?

To be real with you, Academia is clearly above. You should give Sanction another chance. It's an amazing album.
Ima give sanction another chance and play it tomorrow 

I know you are joking so I wont comment further
im keepin it g real homie i dont know lingala or french at all so im just going of the vibes melody and voices

I only like two songs from sanction and that is Otan and SDF and Viagra didnt really have stand out song to me while Voodoo have six songs that i like and go back to on the regular. I hear u CNNP was mixed horribly but its still a good song

yeah i agree totally, ima koffi fan but he hasnt dropped a hot album in a minute so im a bit unsure on how good this new album legende is gonna be

Which group do you think was the best even tho Integral only had one album so we didnt really get to see if they would've became bigger, Me personally i like QL Integral cause Voodoo is better than Sanction and Viagra

EDIT: Here yall go my honest opinion on Sanction, feel free to join the site too congolese music dosent really get any love on there just look at the rating for koffis albums

Congolese Music / Re: KOFFI OLOMIDE LIVE FIKIN 2020
« on: September 25, 2020, 17:03 »
Cindy look like Missy Elliott lol

Robinio gotta chill his time is gonna come very soon i can feel it he just gotta keep  droppin that fire and mind his business cause what hes doing now is turning fans against each other now ferre and fabregas fans are not going to listen/buy his music gotta move more logical

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